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Life Cover

Do you want the certainty that loved ones will not be burdened with debts if you die?
Life Cover provides a lump sum in the event of death, whether it is to protect a mortgage or to give a family financial stability. We have access to a broad range of insurers, and with our expertise we can make sure that the cover is right for you, and meets your budget. We will also ensure that the policy pays to the right people at the right time.

Critical Illness Cover

Nobody wants to be ill and certainly not critically ill! Having a policy to help cover medical costs, monthly expenses, clear a mortgage, or replace lost income while you get better, can help significantly.
This type of insurance pays a lump sum to you upon diagnosis of a critical illness.
Please speak with one of our qualified experts to learn more about critical illness cover and the additional benefits available with this type of policy.

Income Protection

If you find yourself unable to work due to illness or accidental injury you could be facing a long period without income. Income protection is designed to protect you during this period. It doesn't matter whether or not you have children or other dependants, if illness would mean you couldn't pay the bills, you should consider this type of insurance. You should not rely on government benefits to help you during this period as they are often lower than you might expect.

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Our Experts are on hand to help with your Mortgage or Protection Enquiry.